
COVID-19 Guidelines 

To make your day as safe and comfortable as possible please see the information below:

  • There is only one couple in the workshop at a time.
  • Temperatures will be taken on arrival and we encourage customers to scan the NHS Track and Trace.
  • Please follow the latest social distancing rules when travelling to, arriving, entering and leaving the building.
  • The window and door in the workshop will be kept open for extra ventilation. Although the workshop is heated, please bring something warm to work in if you feel that you may be too cold.
  • The workshop and all tools are cleaned before and after each class and these are for your personal use on the day.

Masks Must Be Worn

  • When entering and leaving the building.
  • Throughout the workshop apart from when having your cup of tea or coffee.
  • Please do not place your mask onto the bench top. Instead, please bring a bag to store your mask when it is not being worn.
  • You should wash your hands or use hand gel after handling your mask.
  • We will be wearing masks throughout the day.
Hand Washing & Sanitiser
  • On arrival at the workshop please use the hand sanitiser provided.
  • Throughout the day, please regularly wash your hands and use the hand sanitiser provided.
  • The bathroom facilities will be cleaned before your arrival and for your sole use.
  • Hand sanitiser will be available around the workshop.
Thank you for your understanding and support at this difficult time.

If you or any member of your household have any of the symptoms below, however mild, you should stay at home and we will be happy to reschedule your day.


  • Have you had the recent onset of a new continuous cough?
  • Do you have a high temperature?
  • Have you noticed a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell?
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